QOTW (beta)


October 11, 2003:

Proud members of Quote of the Week,

Last week's race was a close one. The winner was: "$50 REWARD FOR RETURN OF VIRGIN NO QUESTIONS ASKED" from a sign on Cardullo's grocery. I would like to remind you to vote for your choice as soon as you can because your vote is very important. The dealine in Friday at 5pm. If you do not remember how to vote you can go to http://www.qotw.net/~qotw/howtovote.html to learn how.

And now, without further ado, the NOMINEES!

* "Josh, we regret to inform you of you untimely demise." - Alex
* "So now we've had our cerial commercial version of Macbeth." - Mr. Davis
* "It was glorious crap... It was entertaining crap." - Mr. Young
* "If I start refering to it as my percious please put me out of my misery." - Mr. Phillips
* "Just like lemmings." - Andrea Lam, on the people boarding the 504 in the morning.
* "Apparently, there's a poem I've never read..." - Joanna
* "And they're coming during passover, so if you're Jewish you can take them to temple! What an exciting experience for people whose ancestors kicked out the Jews! It could be vengeance." - Frederique, on hosting Spanish exchange students.
* "Hooray for Mr Phillips and his balls!" - Josh
* "Marriage is cool. I'm going to have a lot of fun with marriage. I'd like lying to my kid about sex." - Johan
* "It's hard to keep up in today's cutthroat bribe market." - Julian

It was very difficult to adhear to the one-quote-a-person rule this week but I tried my best to pick the best from each person. If you want to see the rest it's all the more reason to sign up for Honorable Mentions by sending an e-mail to qotw@qotw.net. The Honorable mentions e-mail will becoming out late on Sunday.

- Reilly "no I'm not trying to grow an afro" Grant

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