QOTW (beta)


April 11, 2004:

Good moring fellow QOTW-ers, and what a fine morning it is. The sun is shining, flowers are coming out of the ground -- and it's easter, so Jesus is too. And the toddlers are looking for egs and chewing on bunnies bigger than their faces. All is good. Becca won the last week with her words on the state of sexual education in our society, and "Zoe's" views on conspiricy (which came in second) were actually opined by AJ.

Here follow the quotations for this second year of the fourth month of the two thousand fourth year of our Lord:

"He's a sloshed ghost." - Luc, on Elijah.

"They were all urban-trendy women between the ages of 24 and 34. Which, by the way, is my absolute /favorite/ demographic group." - Rhett, on his project-month-magazine co-workers.

"We sat there [in an Italian piazza] watching for well-dressed attractive men. We sat there for about 45 minutes. Zack got to 75. I got to 6." - Kate Alper

"My little sister hasn't had homework all week [because of Passover], because there are so many Jews in Winchester. Four Jews. And I'm one of them. And I'm not Jewish." - Orlin

"And the Kate Alper tact parade marches on!" - Becca Thal

"How are you going to make it a light hearted farce if the audience cares about everyone you kill?" - Josh Hasellkorn to Julian

"Julian, the fact that you don't know their secrets doesn't mean they didn't exist" - Orlin, on cold-war secrets

"The problem is that the Onion is too politically correct" - Jeremy

"That's chemistry - Kansas style." - Max Palmer, on miracle-catalyzed chemistry.

"You're just like that poodle, Mimi; at a certain moment you wake up, bark affirmatively, and wag your tail." - Davis to Josh Kreiger, on the latter's behavior in English class.

For those of you who were intelligent enough to sign up for Honorable Mentions, they are to follow.
- Jeff "I walked home from school because I /wanted/ to" Kaufman

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April 11, 2004: Honorable Mentions

"So electrons are really just Mongol hordes?" - Alex George
"Spring to me is the 3:10 [Lowell train]." - Benorlin
"It's the dopest conference ever!" - Juliana
"Speaking of movement and beauty, here's the IVth amendment!" - Milan
"Jessica? As in Jessica, son of the merchant of Venice?" - Harry Alper
"Hirch and I went into the backyard with the saw, and when we finished we were excited because we had successfully made 11 cuts with a power saw. Unfortunately we were only supposed to make 10." - Sam Slavin
"I knew nothing about Ben[ Hirch]'s acting, except that he played Brutus in seventh grade and I played Brutus in seventh grade, so I knew it would work out." - Sam Slavin, on the casting for Proof.
"Pompeii is more of a party community." - Kate Alper
"The most interesting things in Italy were sex and violence." - Kate Alper
"I don't want to be some dude's virgin in Heaven!" - Cameron
"Really, cause not saying anything about you, but goddesses are real fucking hot, like really hot, like divinely hot!" - David Hoffman

- Jeff "visit the updated qotw site, and see Tanner's winning banner!" Kaufman

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